The Uniform Antitrust Pre-Merger Notification Act creates a simple, non-burdensome mechanism for a state attorney general to receive access to Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) filings at the same time as the federal agencies, and subject to the same confidentiality obligations. Under the uniform act, covered entities must provide their HSR filing to the AG contemporaneously with their federal filing. The material filed with the AG is subject to essentially the same confidentiality protections as applicable to the federal agencies, except that an AG that receives HSR materials may share them with any other AG whose state has also adopted this act. The anticipated effect is to facilitate early information sharing and coordination among state AGs and the federal agencies. The act will balance the needs of state enforcers for information with the burdens and risks to filers.
The Model Entity Transactions Act (META) allows conversion of one kind of business organization to another, or the merger of two or more business organizations into one organization. For further information about META, please contact ULC Legislative Counsel Kari Bearman at 312-450-6617 or
The Uniform Limited Cooperative Association Act (ULCAA) creates a new form of business entity, the limited cooperative association, an alternative to other cooperative and unincorporated structures. For further information about enacting ULCAA, please contact ULC Legislative Counsel Kari Bearman at 312-450-6617 or
The Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (RULLCA), a revision of the 1996 act, permits the formation of limited liability companies (LLCs), which provide the owners with the dual advantages of corporate-type limited liability and partnership tax treatment. The 2011 and 2013 amendments, enacted as part of the Harmonization of Business Entity Acts project, updated and harmonized the language in this act with similar provisions in other uniform and model unincorporated entity acts to enable the adoption of multiple acts in a single statute. For further information about enacting RULLCA please contact ULC Legislative Counsel Kari Bearman at 312-450-6617 or
The Uniform Limited Partnership Act (ULPA) provides a more flexible and stable basis for the organization of limited partnerships, helping states stimulate new partnership business ventures. For further information about enacting ULPA, please contact ULC Legislative Counsel Kari Bearman at 312-450-6617 or
The Uniform Mortgage Modification Act establishes several categories of safe harbor modifications that can be made in recorded mortgages and secured obligations, and the act outlines the implications of each type of modification. Permissible modifications include extensions of maturity dates, decreases in interest rates, and other changes that are not materially prejudicial to junior interest holders. These changes do not affect the priority of the mortgage. This act reduces costs and creates straightforward alternatives to foreclosure when possible.
The Uniform Partnership Act of 1997 (UPA) modernizes the Uniform Partnership Act of 1914, adopted in every state except Louisiana. It establishes a partnership as a separate legal entity, and not merely as an aggregate of individual partners. For further information about the UPA, please contact ULC Legislative Counsel Kari Bearman at 312-450-6617 or
The Uniform Protected Series Act (UPSA) provides a comprehensive framework for the formation and operation of a protected series limited liability company. A protected series LLC has both “horizontal” liability shields as well as the standard “vertical” liability shield. The “horizontal” shields protect each protected series (and its assets) from automatic, vicarious liability for the debts of the company and for the debts of any other protected series of the company. For further information about UPSA please contact ULC Legislative Counsel Kari Bearman at 312-450-6617 or
The Model Registered Agents Act (MRAA) provides states with one registration procedure for registered agents no matter the kind of business entity represented by the agent, simplifying registration procedures by providing one registered agent database in each state. For further information about the MRAA, please contact ULC Legislative Counsel Kari Bearman at 312-450-6617 or
The Uniform Statutory Trust Entity Act (USTEA) governs the use of statutory trusts as a mode of business organization. USTEA modernizes the existing, but outdated, laws governing these types of entities. For further information about the USTEA, please contact ULC Legislative Counsel Kari Bearman at 312-450-6617 or
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Uniform Law Commission 111 N. Wabash Avenue, Suite 1010 Chicago, Illinois 60602
Uniform Law Commission The Uniform Law Commission (ULC, also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws), established in 1892, provides states with non-partisan, well-conceived and well-drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law.