This Act is intended to supersede the 1993 Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act. This Act enables individuals to appoint agents to make health care decisions for them should they be unable to make those decisions for themselves, provide their health-care professionals and agents with instructions about their values and priorities regarding their health care, and to indicate particular medical treatment they do or do not wish to receive. It also authorizes certain people to make health-care decisions for individuals incapable of making their own decisions but who have not appointed agents, thus avoiding the need to appoint a guardian or otherwise involve a court in most situations. In addition, it sets forth the related duties and powers of agents and healthcare professionals, and provides protection in the form of immunity to both under specified circumstances. This Act shares the goals of the 1993 Act but is revised to reflect changes in how health care is delivered, increases in non-traditional familial relationships and living arrangements, the proliferation of the use of electronic documents, the growing use of separate advance directives exclusively for mental health care, and other recent developments. The Act also seeks to improve upon the 1993 Act based on decades of experience and knowledge about how people make health-care decisions and about the challenges associated with creating and using advance directives.
The Uniform Home Foreclosure Procedures Act (UHFPA) provides a balanced set of rules and procedures to standardize and streamline the residential foreclosure process. The act protects homeowners by requiring adequate notice and documentation before a foreclosure action can proceed. The act protects lenders by precluding contrary municipal ordinances and expediting foreclosure of abandoned properties. Finally, the act includes rules for pre-foreclosure resolutions and negotiated transfers to encourage non-judicial solutions. For more information about enacting the UHFPA please contact ULC Chief Counsel Benjamin Orzeske at (312) 450-6621 or
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Uniform Law Commission The Uniform Law Commission (ULC, also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws), established in 1892, provides states with non-partisan, well-conceived and well-drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law.