The Model Negotiated Alternative to Foreclosure Act (MNAFA) allows a mortgage lender and borrower to voluntarily negotiate a workout agreement instead of using the foreclosure process. An agreement that meets the statutory requirements is legally enforceable and has the effect of discharging the borrower’s obligation in full and transferring the borrower’s rights in the property to the lender. This alternative process can be faster and less expensive than a foreclosure proceeding while still protecting the rights of everyone with an interest in the property. For further information about enacting MNAFA please contact ULC Chief Counsel Benjamin Orzeske at (312) 450-6621 or
The Model Nonjudicial Foreclosure Act (MNFA) provides an orderly foreclosure process without court involvement when there is no dispute between the borrower and the foreclosing lender. The act provides three different methods of foreclosure: foreclosure by auction, foreclosure by negotiated sale, and foreclosure by appraisal. For further information about enacting the MNFA please contact ULC Chief Counsel Benjamin Orzeske at (312) 450-6621 or
The Uniform Nonparent Custody and Visitation Act (UNCVA) provides states with a uniform framework for establishing child custody and visitation rights of nonparents. For further information about enacting the UNCVA please contact ULC Legislative Counsel Libby Snyder at (312) 450-6619 or
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Uniform Law Commission The Uniform Law Commission (ULC, also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws), established in 1892, provides states with non-partisan, well-conceived and well-drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law.