The Model Real Estate Time-Share Act (MRETSA) is a comprehensive act covering all aspects of the law involving time-shares, including the creation, management, and termination of time-shares.
The Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act (URPERA) allows local recording offices to accept deeds and other property records in electronic form. The act is technology-neutral; the enacting state determines recording standards based on current best practices. For more information about enacting URPERA, please contact Legislative Counsel Haley Tanzman at (312) 450-6620 or
The Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act (URPTODA) provides a simple process for the non-probate transfer of real estate. The act allows an owner of real property to designate a beneficiary to automatically receive the property upon the owner’s death without a probate procedure. The property passes by means of a recorded transfer on death (TOD) deed. During the owner’s lifetime, the beneficiary of a TOD deed has no interest in the property and the owner retains full power to transfer or encumber the property or to revoke the deed. For further information about enacting URPTODA please contact Legislative Counsel Jane Sternecky at (312) 450-6622 or
The Uniform Recognition and Enforcement of Canadian Domestic-Violence Protection Orders Act (URECDVPOA) provides for the enforcement of domestic violence protection orders issued by Canadian courts. Reflecting the friendship between the United States and Canada, citizens move freely between the two countries, freedom that in certain limited circumstances can work against victims of domestic violence. Canada has granted recognition to protection orders of the United States and other countries in the Uniform Enforcement of Canadian Judgments and Decrees Act. By this act, enacting states accord similar recognition to protection orders from Canada. For further information about enacting the URECDVPOA please contact ULC Legislative Counsel Libby Snyder at (312) 450-6619 or
The Uniform Recognition of Substitute Decision-Making Documents Act (URSDDA) is a joint endeavor of the Uniform Law Commission and the Uniform Law Conference of Canada. The project was undertaken to promote the portability and usefulness of substitute decision-making documents for property, health care, and personal care, without regard to whether the documents are created within or outside of the jurisdiction where a substitute decision is needed. Common examples of substitute decision-making documents include powers of attorney and proxy delegations for personal decision making. For further information about enacting URSDDA please contact ULC Chief Counsel Benjamin Orzeske at (312) 450-6621 or
The Model Registered Agents Act (MRAA) provides states with one registration procedure for registered agents no matter the kind of business entity represented by the agent, simplifying registration procedures by providing one registered agent database in each state. For further information about the MRAA, please contact ULC Legislative Counsel Kari Bearman at 312-450-6617 or
The Uniform Registration of Canadian Money Judgments Act will facilitate the enforcement of Canadian money judgments in the United States in a manner comparable to the way U.S. money judgments are enforced in Canada through its Canadian Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act. This Act is intended to supplement the Uniform Foreign Country Money Judgments Recognition Act (Recognition Act). If a state has not enacted the Recognition Act, it may enact this Act at the same time it adopts the Recognition Act as a companion Act. If you have questions about the uniform act, please contact Legislative Program Director Kaitlin Wolff at (312) 450-6615 or
The Model Representation of Children in Abuse, Neglect, and Custody Proceedings Act (MRCANCPA) seeks to improve the representation of children in proceedings directly affecting their custody by clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of children’s representatives and by providing guidelines to courts in appointing representatives. For further information about enacting the MRCANCPA please contact ULC Legislative Counsel Libby Snyder at (312) 450-6619.
The Revised Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (RURLTA) is an updated version of the act, which was first promulgated in 1972 and adopted in 21 states. The purpose of the original act was to eliminate all elements of outmoded common law from the landlord-tenant relationship and base all phases of the rental agreement on contract law. RURLTA continues this approach and adds new articles covering the disposition of tenant property, security deposits, and lease termination in case of domestic violence or sexual assault. RURLTA also includes an appendix with directions for states that only want to adopt the new provisions. For further information about enacting RURLTA please contact Legislative Counsel Jane Sternecky at (312) 450-6622 or
The Model Residential Mortgage Satisfaction Act (MRMSA) provides rules and procedures for clearing fully paid residential real estate mortgages from the real property records. It includes a self-help provision for homeowners whose loan servicer has gone out of business and cannot provide verification of the mortgage satisfaction. For further information about enacting the MRMSA please contact ULC Chief Counsel Benjamin Orzeske at (312) 450-6621 or
This Act regulates restrictive employment agreements, which are agreements that prohibit or limit an employee or other worker from working after the work relationship ends. Uniformity in this area of the law benefits both employers and employees by enhancing clarity and predictability in our increasingly mobile society. The Act addresses the enforceability of these agreements, notice and other procedural requirements, choice of law issues, and remedies. The Act does not say anything about an agreement monitoring what a worker can or cannot do while employed.
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(312) 450-6600
Uniform Law Commission 111 N. Wabash Avenue, Suite 1010 Chicago, Illinois 60602
Uniform Law Commission The Uniform Law Commission (ULC, also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws), established in 1892, provides states with non-partisan, well-conceived and well-drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law.