Current Acts - D

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Debt-Management Services Act  

The Uniform Debt-Management Services Act (UDMSA) provides comprehensive rules for regulation of the credit counseling and debt settlement industries. For further information about the UDMSA please contact Legislative Program Director Kaitlin Wolff at (312) 450-6615 of


Declaratory Judgments Act  

The Uniform Declaratory Judgments Act (UDJA) authorizes courts to adjudicate actual controversies concerning legal rights and duties even though traditional remedies for damages or equitable relief are not available. It thus provides a means for settling disputes by judgments which do no more than declare the legal rights of the parties, where otherwise the controversy would have to remain unsettled.


Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act  

The Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act (UDPCVA) addresses issues of child custody and visitation that arise when parents are deployed in military or other national service. For more information about enacting the UDPCVA, please contact ULC Legislative Counsel Lindsay Beaver at (312) 450-6618 or


Determination of Death Act  

The Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) provides a comprehensive legal basis for determining death in all situations. This is a technical act that merely defines death clinically, and does not deal with suicide, assisted suicide, or the right to die.


Directed Trust Act  

The Uniform Directed Trust Act (UDTA) addresses the rise of directed trusts. In a directed trust, a person other than a trustee has a power over some aspect of the trust’s administration. Such a person may be called a “trust protector,” “trust advisor,” or in the terminology of the UDTA, a “trust director.” The division of authority between a trust director and a trustee raises difficult questions about how to divide fiduciary power and duty. The UDTA provides clear, functional rules that allow a settlor to freely structure a directed trust for any situation while preserving key fiduciary safeguards for beneficiaries. The UDTA also provides sensible default rules for a variety of matters that might be overlooked in the drafting of a directed trust, including information sharing among trustees and trust directors, the procedures for accepting appointment as a trust director, the distinction between a power of direction and a nonfiduciary power of appointment, and many other matters. For more information about enacting the UDTA, please contact ULC Chief Counsel Benjamin Orzeske at (312) 450-6621 or


Disclaimer of Property Interests Act  

The Uniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act (UDPIA) provides definite, tax-sensitive rules governing refusals to accept transfers of property by gift or inheritance, and identifying who takes the gift in the event of disclaimer. For more information about enacting the UDPIA, please contact ULC Chief Counsel Benjamin Orzeske at (312) 450-6621 or


Discovery of Electronically Stored Information, Rules Relating to  

The Model Rules Relating to Discovery of Electronically Stored Information (MRRDESI) provide states with up-to-date rules for the discovery of electronic documents in civil cases. The Model Rules conform as closely as possible to comparable provisions in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. For further information about enacting the Model Rules, please contact Legislative Program Director Kaitlin Wolff at 312-450-6615 or


Division of Income for Tax Purposes Act  

The Uniform Division of Income for Tax Purposes Act (UDITPA) provides a uniform method for dividing income between states for tax purposes, thereby assuring that a taxpayer is not taxed more than once on his or her net income.


Dormant Mineral Interests Act  

The Model Dormant Mineral Interests Act (MDMIA) establishes the criteria by which a severed mineral interest in real estate becomes dormant. Under the MDMIA, a mineral interest becomes dormant if there is no actual use of the interest for 20 years or more. For more information about enacting the MDMIA, please contact ULC Chief Counsel Benjamin Orzeske at (312) 450-6621 or


Duties to Persons with Medical ID Devices Act  

The Model Duties to Persons with Medical ID Devices Act (MDPMIDDA) provides for a minimum level of duty toward persons in an unconscious state or otherwise unable to communicate the existence of a condition requiring special treatment. The act also provides for standard ID devices, such as bracelets and tags stamped with the AMA-designed emergency symbol.